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Making the site more secure for you
March 20, 2017

Dear members,

Starting today, you'll notice that there's a padlock next to the domain name in the address bar. This is because we've just implemented secure browsing.

This means that everything you now do on this site is protected and secure.

If you notice anything unusual following the change please email... more

Make the date or wait?
June 21, 2016

For some time now it has always been the men's job to make the date. They are the ones to make the first approach in a bar, or to ask for a lady's number, but surely this is a relic of the past?

Research has shown that on average, men don't... more

Happy new year
January 20, 2014
Congrats all, you've safely made it into 2014! I love starting a new year. For some reason, it really feels like you can turn your mind off to all the undesirables in the previous year, and start afresh with everything good!

I've done the same with this website....

Farewell Madiba
December 12, 2013


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Games for all occasions - For weddings


You will need a lot of scarves for this game. The players are divided into two teams and stand in a row one after the other. Each player is given a handkerchief. At the command of the leader, the last player in the line ties a handkerchief to the player in front. He, in turn, does the same with the next participant, and so on until it is the turn of the first participant. It is forbidden to help each other. The winner is the team whose players have completed this task faster and better than the other.

"Surprise Dance"[/b]

Participants for this game are chosen from among those who wish, there should be no more than 5 people. Any music is turned on, the participants are given some kind of object that they will have to pass to each other while the music is playing. The participant who has this item at the time the music stops is eliminated from the game. They keep playing until there is only one person left.

[b]"Don't let the apple fall"

The players form a circle, there must be at least six of them, and they are given an apple. One of the players is given an apple, which must be placed between the neck and chin. This apple is passed to the next player, and he in turn takes it in the same way. Instead of an apple, you can use a ball, an orange, etc. Losers and winners are very difficult to determine, so you can just play like that.

[b]"Who is faster"[/b]

The competition will require several participants. They are given a glass of champagne. The presenter explains that the participants need to drink their glass as soon as possible. Naturally, this seems to be a simple task for the players, but the most interesting thing is that you need to not just drink this wine glass, but with the help of... teaspoons. Spoons are distributed, and the competition begins. The one who drinks his glass first wins.

[b]"Save the balloon"[/b]

This contest will surely be familiar to many, because it is very often used on a holiday. Several people are invited to participate. Each of them has a balloon attached to his leg. The essence of the contest is to pierce the opponents' ball to the music by stepping on it with your foot, and save your own. The winner is the participant who will end up with the whole ball.

[b]"Love is..."[/b]

This competition can be held all evening and at the end to sum up. You will need pens and sheets of paper. The paper is distributed to the audience, who will have to write the most original and interesting definition of love. The newlyweds are given the right to choose and name the winner. Silversands offers a variety of bonuses that can significantly boost your bankroll. For those new to online casinos, their casino tips provide valuable insights to help you maximize your winnings.

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