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March 20, 2017

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Make the date or wait?
June 21, 2016

For some time now it has always been the men's job to make the date. They are the ones to make the first approach in a bar, or to ask for a lady's number, but surely this is a relic of the past?

Research has shown that on average, men don't... more

Happy new year
January 20, 2014
Congrats all, you've safely made it into 2014! I love starting a new year. For some reason, it really feels like you can turn your mind off to all the undesirables in the previous year, and start afresh with everything good!

I've done the same with this website....

Farewell Madiba
December 12, 2013


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Fable 2: Preview

Action Fable 2 takes place in the familiar Albion. Only this time, under our control, not a hero with a burning gaze, but an ordinary robber from the high road, who grew up without parents, in poverty. The cause of poverty is tragic, but it definitely resembles the first part: enemies attacked the village, burned it to the ground, killed the residents, and took the protagonist's sister with them. The character grew up, formed his own worldview, but did not forget about his sister. To save, to take revenge are noble goals, but man does not live by them alone. Games where the characters are exclusively engaged in saving the world, forgetting about personal life and entertainment, in the past. Fable 2will become a kind of simulator of life ... life where everything is possible: kill the dragon, save the princess, find the treasure - life-stories, life-legends. But still, a full-fledged life with characteristic problems: love, housing, money (they will have to spend not only on new armor and weapons, but also on the maintenance of their own family), social status. The latter, by the way, will be influenced by absolutely all actions of the character, including those who have no witnesses. A thief, regardless of whether he was caught in his slippery occupation at least once or not, will not meet a warm welcome from strangers and, on the contrary, will become his own in the camp of robbers.

The protagonist could create a family even in the first part of Fable. The presence / absence of a wife did not affect the completion of the main quest, but it added a little in common with the real world to the virtual world. In Fable 2they decided to develop this topic. Regardless of the chosen gender of the character, in order to acquire a spouse, you need to make a lot of effort. First, to earn a tidy sum - otherwise the "half", apparently, will not believe in the seriousness of intentions. Second, buy a house. And only then start the shura-mura with the chosen one / chosen one. After the wedding, it's time to have children. It is easier for the male hero: he made a child - and he is free. But the ladies will experience all the delights of a pregnant state: both related to their appearance (a characteristic change in figure), and with the passage of the game (all tasks involving military operations should be postponed). What's next? In principle, the player may well stop at a peaceful life: children, household, trade (yes, invest in specific stores, as in TES 4, - and make a profit). But that's not why we came to the Fable 2 universe ? So, sooner or later, our alter ego will kiss family members and go in search of adventure. Of course, from time to time it will not hurt to visit your own hut, and at the same time admire your growing son: he will develop in your image and likeness.

The number of creatures close to the hero will also expand at the expense of the dog - in Fable 2 the character will be accompanied by a loyal dog. The beast has a completely practical meaning: it scouts the road, senses enemies a mile away, and in difficult times it grabs the attacker. He will do this not anyhow, but with a spark of common sense: if an archer is under your control, the pet will turn its aggression on the enemy with a sword and vice versa. There is practically no care for the animal: to heal if necessary, but to scratch behind the ear at rest. By the way, like a child, a doggie both externally and in character reflects the qualities of its owner: in an evil berserker, a puppy will grow up as a huge shaggy beast with a frightening grin, and in a peaceful healer - an affectionate domestic dog.

A gamer will have to travel through the Fable 2 universe without such a familiar element as a mini-map. You see, Peter Molyneux for some reason decided that this small piece of the screen distracts the player from contemplating the graphics, which makes it senseless to spend multi-million dollar improvements. As compensation, this adorable person promises to meticulously work out the design of each location (in order to make it as convenient as possible for exploration), draw a detailed map of the world as a whole and the levels separately, and also introduce into the gameplay something like a trail of bread crumbs. This dashed line will indicate the path from where the character is at the moment to the one marked with a special marker.

Fable 2 promises to be truly the ultimate game. An interactive social environment and an abundance of interconnections in the world around us have been promised to us more than once, but so far no one has done this with such a scale and imagination. Molyneux swears that there will be neither good nor bad in Fable 2: all actions of the hero and those close to him have both positive and negative consequences. Every sneeze, every ill-considered act can turn into a catastrophe, or, on the contrary, - a universal good. The development of the plot is almost unpredictable: it depends on too many factors, which means that Fable 2 has inexhaustible replayability. Although the graphics do not cause insane delight, they look quite decent - so in this regard, mistakes are not expected either. So you and I can only sincerely believe that all the fairy tales of Peter Molyneux will come true.

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