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Making the site more secure for you
March 20, 2017

Dear members,

Starting today, you'll notice that there's a padlock next to the domain name in the address bar. This is because we've just implemented secure browsing.

This means that everything you now do on this site is protected and secure.

If you notice anything unusual following the change please email... more

Make the date or wait?
June 21, 2016

For some time now it has always been the men's job to make the date. They are the ones to make the first approach in a bar, or to ask for a lady's number, but surely this is a relic of the past?

Research has shown that on average, men don't... more

Happy new year
January 20, 2014
Congrats all, you've safely made it into 2014! I love starting a new year. For some reason, it really feels like you can turn your mind off to all the undesirables in the previous year, and start afresh with everything good!

I've done the same with this website....

Farewell Madiba
December 12, 2013


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Notes on various topics #009

1. I must say right away – this is my opinion, it does not have to be true

There is a phrase here "this is my opinion", because my information about graphologists is based on my own experience. Graphologists are those people who "read" citizens by their handwriting. But the interpretations of graphologists are too symbolic. They say that if the handwriting contains sharp and sharp areas in the letters, it means that the person is tense, aggressive and angry. Accordingly, the "soft" handwriting of graphologists is understood as the fact that the owner of such a handwriting is a soft person: non–aggressive and relaxed.

What about my experience?

My experience with understanding my handwriting comes from the years of elementary school. At that time, I was studying at a sanatorium and was in contact not with classmates, but with unfamiliar children. I looked at a certain girl's notebook and for some unknown reason fell in love with her handwriting. However, I didn't like the girl herself. I even got into a fight with her once. But I adored this girl's handwriting so much that I tried to write the same way. Time passed, and my handwriting was like that girl's.

What about graphologists?

That girl's handwriting was so "soft" that graphologists would say that this girl is the kindest person. But how can she be kind if she got into a fight with me and had a soft temper? This is not an exceptional case, because that girl was in conflict with many children. That is, graphologists say that they can "read" people, but at the same time their words do not correspond to reality. However, perhaps this single case is an exception to the dogmas of graphologists.

2. What is Jan?

Ian Topless is such a popular face of YouTube in the 21st century that only grannies far from the Internet will ask the question "what kind of Ian?" The public approves of Jan and says that he integrates advertising so subtly into his videos that you don't want to miss it. It's clear that such a "I don't want to miss the ads" leads Jan to a relatively significant income from advertising on YouTube. Why is it relative? Because on YouTube, a significant income from advertising is an impossible concept. Although if you mean direct advertising, where they pay not for clicks and views, but for its publication itself, then Jan's earnings can be called very significant. Well, Yan is called a scientific expert because he publishes videos of a scientific, but not scrupulously scientific orientation - he gives science to ordinary people.

Yang says, "Pump up your brains"

That's what Ian Topless says at the end of each video. But what is brain pumping? It is believed that this phrase is an indication that the viewer has just watched a scientifically useful and informative video by Jan. But what is brain pumping out of context? A person with a pumped brain is a smart person. And the word "smart" in the 21st century has a blurred status, because some liberated macho man with excellent social dexterity will seem smarter than an erudite "nerd" whose social dexterity is so low that others may even consider him an underdeveloped person with enuresis and learning disability. I VR Gamers found games in the category vr sex games great selection.

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